The college has a good library with books covering variety of subjects which the students are expected to make good use of.

  1. All students, teaching and non-teaching staff are members of the library.
  2. The library and reading-room will be kept open on all working days from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
  3. Each UG student will be issued 2 library tickets and PG & M.Phil student will be issued 6 library tickets at a time.
  4. A student requiring a book should fill in a Library Call Slip (to be had from the book stall) and post it in the Call Slip Box in between 9.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m.
  5. Books will be issued to student members only on production of their Identity Card and the library ticket.
  6. In case the ID card is lost, the librarian should be informed immediately, failing which the owner of the card will be held responsible for the books issued on presentation of the lost ID card.
  7. Borrowers are responsible for loss or damage to the books borrowed. The date slip (on page 2 of the cover of each book) and the number label should not be tampered with. Serious notice shall be taken of any violation of this rule. Every book will be examined as soon as it is returned and if any book is found to be marked, soiled or damaged, the borrower shall be required to replace the book with a new copy or pay such compensation as may be fixed by the Principal.
  8. Borrowers on receiving books shall examine them before they leave the library and report to the Librarian for any damage, if noticed.
  9. Borrowers shall on no account sub-lend books to others.
  10. A student is entitled to keep a book for a week and a member of the Staff for a month from the date of issue. Every book borrowed from the library shall be returned on the due date (marked on the date slip) before 2 p.m. It may be reissued only once to the same person for a further period of one week, but under a new call slip.
  11. If books are not returned to the library on the due date, a fine of 1 rupee per book per day shall be levied. The library ticket will be returned to the borrower only on payment of the fine. Absence from the college shall not be an excuse for any delay in returning the books.
  12. Books due on a holiday shall be returned without fine on the next working day
  13. Books for vacation (except summer vacation) reading will be issued only in the last week of the odd semester and they should be returned within the first three working days of the succeeding semester.
  14. Reference Books and bound copies of University Examination question papers shall not be lent out.
  15. The Librarian may recall any book at any time even before the expiry of due date.
  16. Students who leave the College for any reason in the middle of the semester should return the books before they leave the college.
  17. Members are prohibited from taking their private belongings with them into the reading-room.
  18. The Librarian may refuse to issue books to those who violate these rules.
  19. No reading material shall be removed from its place in the reading room without the knowledge of the Librarian.
  20. Members are requested to handle all magazines and journals with care. They shall be liable to make good the loss or damage, if any, done to periodicals
  21. Loose copies of magazines shall not be let out.
  22. Strict silence should be maintained in the reading room. Mobile phones should be switched off in the library premises. No discussion is allowed inside the library.
  23. Library books will be issued to students from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.